Learn about future job opportunities while gaining interview skills, and tips for creating a resume!
Middle and high schoolers can meet with representatives from NC State University, Wake Tech Community College and City of Raleigh to gain insights about a variety of career paths and get guidance on resume building and interview skills! Hosted in partnership with Raleigh Parks Teen Zone.
While free to attend, space is limited. Registration is required and opens two weeks in advance.
This program is free to the public thanks to Dix Park Conservancy donors.
Raleigh Teen Connect Membership:
In addition to registering through Eventbrite for each program, participation in all teen programming at Dix Park requires a FREE Raleigh Teen Connect Membership. The Raleigh Teen Connect Program gives teens (ages 12-18) access to current and upcoming City of Raleigh programs, facilities, events, amenities, and resources.