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Nalanda Charter Academy Open House

  • When: Sunday, February 2, 2025,  1:00 pm -  5:00 pm
  • Location: 9400 Forum Dr., Raleigh, NC 27615
  • Cost: Free Admission

Bring your kiddos to check out our school and classrooms and to have some fun!

Nalanda Academy is a public charter with a focus on mindfulness, STEM, and foreign languages from grades kindergarten level through Grade 3. Nalanda Academy will add a grade level each year until it reaches grade 8.
The objective of Nalanda Academy is to prepare students for future success to lead as global citizens in a rapidly changing world.

At Nalanda, our educational philosophy is to equip students with strong core knowledge, a passion for learning, and a lifelong mission to serve their community. We will achieve this by:
Basing our language arts curriculum on the science of reading;
Approaching daily tasks and activities with mindfulness; and
Facilitating time-tested, research-proven physical activities and relaxation techniques. The focus on their well-being is to help them cope with trauma, anxiety, stress, distraction and isolation of living in this complex world. Removing these barriers will open the doors to greater learning

  • Website: nalandacharter.org
  • Contact Phone: (984) 477-1300
  • Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Category: Informational & Tours


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