Bring your bike, trike and helmet and get rolling! Obstacle courses, bike safety, art on the move and bike bling. For all ages and skill levels.
Pedal Parade: Parade with your helmet, bike, and bling around Moore Square.
Bike Blast Obstacle Course: Ride, wheel or run your way through the course.
Traffic Garden: Stop, Go, Yield... Practice safety while taking a ride on a pretend city street.
STEAM Play: Explore, build and experiment with gears and wheels.
Bike Bling: Show off your style and bling out your bike and helmet.
Spin Art: Create colorful and unique art on the Marbles' Spin Bike.
Healthy, Active Fun: Try a healthy snack and learn how to fuel your body for maximum play.
Limited number of bikes and trikes will be available to borrow.
Bike Rodeo is a free event. If you plan to play in the museum, admission must be purchased in advance.