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Apex Chanukah Festival at Apex Senior Center

  • When: Sunday, December 29, 2024,  3:30 pm -  5:00 pm
  • Location: 63 Hunter St., Apex, NC, 27502
  • Cost: Free Admission

The Chanukah Festival is an event organized by the Chabad of Cary and celebrates the beginning of the Jewish eight-day festival of lights, Chanukah. This event features games, crafts, and food, and ends with lighting a menorah on Town Campus.

Chanukah Wonderland from 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Holiday Crafts and Games for Children of All Ages

Grand Menorah Lighting at 5:00 pm

Gelt Drop with the Apex Fire Department
Fire Show, Donuts, and Hot Drinks

Yalla KosherChanukah Wonderland from 3:30 - 5:00 pm
Holiday Crafts and Games for Children of All Ages

This is a rain or shine event.

Accessible parking spaces are available at the John M. Brown Community Center and Town Hall.


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