We offer a wide variety of programs, classes, and events throughout the year. There are endless opportunities to learn something new, refine your skills, or just meet new friends. Programs are offered for children as young as six months old and extend through active adults. With so many options, here are a few simple tips to help you get started.
Specialized Recreation and Inclusion Services offers a variety of programs for individuals with developmental and/or physical disabilities. Programs are designed to meet the needs and interests of the participants. We offer a variety of programs, including Adapted Aquatics, Social Clubs, Special Olympics sports opportunities, Wheelchair Sports, Summer Camps & Track-Out programs, programs for individuals with Visual Impairments, etc. Please review our program listings for more information. Some eligibility restrictions may apply. Please note that non-resident fees currently do not apply to our programs.
Additionally, Specialized Recreation and Inclusion Services provides Inclusion and/or Medical Support to individuals with disabilities and/or medical conditions who request modifications to participate in other Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources programs. The Raleigh Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department welcomes the participation of all individuals, including those with disabilities or special needs. We are committed to compliance with the ADA and provide reasonable modifications to facilitate program participation. We request that modification requests are made 2 weeks in advance, so we can communicate and prepare appropriate modifications.