Prairie Ridge boasts a green Outdoor Classroom, a native plant garden and native tree arboretum, a series of ponds and vernal pools, and a trail system winding through the prairie and forest. Museum staff offer a multitude of public programs to educate visitors about nature and science. The Nature PlaySpace for young children has become a safe, popular space for nature-based play; programs offered here include Nature Stories and Nature PlayDays. Prairie Ridge is also a hub for researchers who conduct citizen science onsite, affording visitors numerous opportunities to participate in real scientific research.
Starting at our back entrance off of the greenway, Prairie Ridge's Planet Walk is a to-scale educational trail of the planets. Stop at each planet to learn a little of each one, all while exploring some of Prairie Ridge's lesser-traveled trails! When the weather is cold and you're looking for a longer walk to keep you warm, this is a great option during a visit to Prairie Ridge.