COR Museum is located in the core of Downtown Raleigh in the historic Briggs Hardware building. Our exhibits and programs reveal the rich history of North Carolina’s capital city. Under the management of the Historical Resources and Museums Program (HRMP) of the City of Raleigh’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Resources Department, the COR Museum is dedicated to teaching visitors about the past, present, and future of Raleigh. We look forward to your visit!
Field Trips:
The City of Raleigh Museum offers students and teachers the opportunity to experience how the core of our state, the capital city helped forge a greater North Carolina. Through an interactive and hands-on education program, students will see first-hand how Raleigh began, where Raleigh is now, and where we as citizens may go in the future. This program is designed to encourage critical thinking and transcend Raleigh to foster an understanding of all cities, both big and small.