For our central NC Region, we meet every 1st Tuesday, 12-1pm:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 827 7835 9381
Passcode: 806519
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,82778359381#,,,,*806519# US (New York)
+13017158592,,82778359381#,,,,*806519# US (Washington DC)
This is a non topic, support style meeting, open to folks that have a loved one on the autism spectrum. We discuss our successes, our challenges, and share ideas/resources. You will not need to RSVP or commit routinely, just join when you can.
There is also an ASNC Wake Chapter Care Giver Meet Up monthly. Join us as we host our in person ASNC Wake Chapter Care Giver Meet Up as we share both the joys and challenges of supporting an autistic loved one with our monthly Care Giver Meet Up. This will be an open discussion meet up. ALL care givers are welcome and encouraged to attend.
We realize that it would be ideal to have child care available, however this is something we have to work out still. So we apologize for the inconvenience, but childcare will not be available for this meet up.
Jessica Sturino Floyd is hosting this meet up event. We hope that you can make it!
If you have any questions about this event, you can also contact the Wake County Chapter Facilitator Jessica Sturino Floyd directly at wakesupportgroup@autismsociety-nc.org