Providing Early Intervention Support and Services to Families. The Children's Developmental Services Agencies (CDSA) is the lead agency for the Early Intervention Infant-Toddler Program in North Carolina. Local CDSAs are available to help families, caregivers, and professionals serve children with special needs through our Infant Toddler Program.
A child and family may receive supports and services if the child is:
up to three years old and
has certain levels of developmental delay or an established condition.
A child with a developmental delay is not developing like other children his age.
The delay can be in one or more of the following areas:
thinking and learning
moving, seeing, hearing and health
understanding and using sounds, gestures and words
responding to and developing relationships
taking care of one's self when doing things like feeding or dressing
A child with an established condition has a diagnosed health condition that will very likely cause a developmental delay. This includes:
genetic disorders, such as Down Syndrome or cystic fibrosis
congenital infections, such as HIV and rubella
central nervous system disorders, such as cerebral palsy and epilepsy
hearing loss
vision problems