The Trilogy School is a private school affiliated with the North Carolina Department of Non-Public Education and fully accredited by Cognia. Most faculty members have their master’s degrees in Learning Disabilities, Special Education, reading, education, their content area, or a bachelor’s degree and LD certification. Many are North Carolina Certified. Trilogy’s staff includes several National Board Certified and Teachers of the Year in their former schools. Trilogy began with sixteen students in 1999 and has maintained stable enrollment for the past twenty years. Although the enrollment has grown each year, Trilogy is committed to keeping classes and the school small so that all students can receive individualized attention.
Written by the founders in 1999 and revised most recently in 2021, the three-fold mission statement reflects the changes in enrollment, demographics, and curriculum.
To provide specialized instruction in a small group setting for students who have learning differences in second through twelfth grade.
To give students individualized study skills, compensatory strategies, organizational techniques as well as develop social skills to be successful in the future as productive members of society.
To foster students’ ability to achieve mastery learning in all curriculum areas and gain confidence in their academic endeavors
To be inclusive to all learners, meet them where they are academically, and prepare them for the next academic level
Lover School (grades 2-8)
Upper School (grades 9-12)