Bloom Engaged Learning Academy is a secular hybrid homeschool program offering a collaborative approach to learning, joining parents and teachers as educators. BELA has emerged from a need for a secular hybrid homeschool option for families that prioritizes instilling a passion for learning. With a goal to create a learning environment that promotes hands-on-learning for child-led interests combined with outdoor learning and a precedence placed on a feeling of well-being in the classroom environment, Bloom Engaged Learning Academy is a unique educational opportunity for children in the Raleigh area.
Our mission is to provide a collaborative, secular homeschooling option that prioritizes a love for learning within a supportive environment that also incorporates outdoor learning. To establish a school that children enjoy, where parents and caregivers are viewed as partners, and the essentials of a happy healthy child are fostered.
Our vision is to grow with our students to provide a hybrid homeschool program to children in the Raleigh area from kindergarten through 12th grade. Key goals include:
Achieving academic excellence alongside a passion for learning.
Growing skills required to problem solve and investigate.
Inspiring a well-rounded adult that is happy, free-thinking, and self-sufficient.
Allowing for flexibility in learning and incorporating hands-on learning opportunities throughout the academic calendar.
Promoting personalized education where children are encouraged to pursue their interests.