This is your great-great-grandma’s camping! All Camp Flintlock overnight encampments and residential camps take place entirely outdoors, with campers staying in primitive canvas tents, sleeping on straw mattresses, and cooking over a real fire. Due to state regulations, simple bathroom facilities are provided, but otherwise, campers live just as they would have in colonial times, with our friendly and knowledgeable staff to guide them through the experience.
For younger children, consider our Day Camps in downtown Raleigh and Four Oaks!
Summer camps take place in mid-June to early July, though exact dates vary year to year. Camp Flintlock announces summer camp dates in January.
Overnight Encampments
Camp Flintlock location or your location
$60 per participant per night (children under 5 attend free)
1-2 nights
Summer camps are intended for children and teens, but Overnight Encampments are for all ages! Camp Flintlock offers year-round Overnight Encampments for Scout troops, homeschool groups, or even just a group of friends who enjoy roughing it in the great outdoors, colonial-style! Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will guide your group through various colonial activities, including cooking over a fire, chopping wood, throwing a tomahawk, and more!
Residential Camps Ages 9-15
Camp Flintlock location
$215 registration fee + $50 refundable security deposit
1/2 week sessions
The original Camp Flintlock program, our Residential Summer Camps teach children ages 9-15 about life in the American Colonies. At our Four Oaks campsite, campers learn about our nation’s history, as well as outdoor skills like cooking over a fire! Campers gain a “better grasp of American History and a lot more respect for their hardworking ancestors.” And our campers have a lot of fun, too! Popular activities include Colonial Games, Tomahawk Throw, and Capture the Flag. Campers also make crafts and perform in a talent show. With no access to the internet and social media, campers even learn to enjoy the timeless art of letter-writing. Mail call is a favorite part of every day!
Day Camps Ages 7-13yrs
various Historic sites
$240 registration fee + $25 refundable security deposit
The Camp Flintlock Day Camp is tailored to a slightly younger audience. In partnership with historic sites, our day camp takes place on historic site grounds. Campers learn about Colonial American history and daily life through engaging activities such as singing colonial songs, making colonial crafts, touring the site, and playing colonial games. Each day is themed around a different aspect of early-American culture—Town Life Tuesday, Wigwam Wednesday, etc.—with a focus on the contributions that various groups and peoples have made to the American way of life.