This is a Junior Circuits Qualifier event!
Junior Circuits consist of 3 seasons within the calendar year. Each season (Spring, Summer, Fall) includes qualifying tournaments leading up to end-of-season District Slams with fun prizes! Players who play in 3 qualifiers within a season will receive priority registration for that season’s Districts Slam.
Introducing the GRIT LEADERBOARD for all divisions - this will be a top 100 list of Junior Circuit players across the US. The standings are based on a GRIT Score (Growth.Resilience.Integrity.Tenacity).
Your GRIT Score goes up by:
- Every game won in your matches (make every game count!)
- Competing in Junior Circuit qualifiers often (persistence!)
- Competing in the season-end District Slams
-Early registration into a JC event (plan ahead and take control of your calendar!)
Your GRIT Score goes down when you default/no-show after draws have been published.