Learn about the magical lives of pollinators and their vital role in ecosystems through an interactive family friendly class!
Join Nomadic Roots Herbals to unravel the mystery of pollinators! This is an interactive class designed for both kids and adults to learn about the mutual relationship between plants and pollinating insects and animals. From butterflies and bees to bats and birds, learn about their crucial role in our ecosystem and how they help plants reproduce. Through engaging activities, games and hands-on experiences, participants will gain a deeper appreciation for pollinators and the importance of conserving their habitats. Get ready to explore nature's busy workers, all while surrounded by the whimsical ambiance of Dix's signature field of sunflowers.
This program is free to the public thanks to Dix Park Conservancy donors. While free to attend, participation is limited. Registration is required.
Registration is required!
This program takes place outside the entire time.
Walking up hills, in grass, and on uneven surfaces will be necessary.